With the v820 update now out for fortnite weve had an early glimpse at the upcoming loading screens thanks to dataminers. Week 5s loading screen is one of the most interesting ones yet depicting ember holding a new weapon that is sure to be added soon.
Week 3 Secret Battle Star Location Season 8 Fortnite Battle Royale
week 3 secret battle star location season 8 fortnite battle royale challenge
First you will want to complete all of the weeks discovery challenges to unlock the loading screen for week 3.

Week 3 fortnite season 8 battle star. After some data miners have managed to find the loading screen for week 3 season 8 of fortnite we can easily see the exact location of the hidden battle star. Just as a reminder the battle star is only available after completing all of the challenges for the current week. This location can be found just under sunny steps upon which it can be confirmed it contains similar structures.
With the release of fortnite v810 we have also had an early glimpse at the loading screen for week 3 which is not yet currently available but will give a free battle star once it is. The loading screen for week 3 pretty much sh! owcases the fortnites season 8 battle pass star location. Week! 5s loading screen is one of the most interesting ones yet.
Find out the location of the secret battle star from season 8 week 3 fortnite discovery challenge in this guide. Each weeks fortnite challenges give players a new chance to earn a free battle star after they unlock the weeks loading screen. With the v820 update now out for fortnite weve had an early glimpse at the upcoming loading screens thanks to dataminers.
Fortnite battle royale players who manage to complete the season 8 week 3 challenges have a hidden battle star to find this week so heres where it can be found. Fortnite is back with another loading screen as a reward for completing all of week 3s challenges and once again it is hiding a secret battle star. This includes its location the clues more.
Secret season 8 week 3 battlestar location guide discovery challenges fortnite battle royale the season 8 week 3 secret discovery battlestar can be! found next to the temple east of the volcano.
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