Battle royales season 8 discovery challenges continue in week 5 with yet another loading screen that occurs in close proximity to the volcano with a clue hinting at a secret battle. The fortnite season 8 week 3 challenges are live which includes a challenge requiring players to search where the magnifying glass sits on the treasure map loading screen.
Fortnite Guide Where To Find The Week 8 Secret Banner Season 7
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Struggling with the challenges for fortnite season 8 week 3.
Week 9 loading screen fortnite. Last week the fortnite season 8 week 3 challenges were leaked however epic games changed some of the challenges. The loading screen for week 9 of fortnite season 7 has already been revealed thanks to a leak. X marks the spot in this treasure hunt challenge.
The fortnite season 8 week 3 challenges were leaked last week but were changed in the v810 update. This guide offers its location and an analysis of the latest loading screen. Where knife points on treasure map loading screen guide season 8 challenge location x marks the spot.
Week 5s loading screen is one of the most interesting ones yet. Heres a cheat sheet to help you complete the challenges. Fortnite week 2 challenges are live and that means another chance to collec! t a secret banner.
This challenge is a l! ittle different from some of the ones weve seen recently. In this guide we tell you where its located. With the v820 update now out for fortnite weve had an early glimpse at the upcoming loading screens thanks to dataminers.
Week 1 challenges are live in fortnite alongside another secret battle star. Youll need to be able to see the treasure map loading screen. Heres where to find the fortnite season 7 week 8 snowfall challenge battle star hidden in the loading screen.
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