Where to visit the furthest north south east and west points this ones more challenging than it sounds. One of the new challenges unlocked thursday morning as part of fortnite season 8 week 2 has players visit the furthest north south east and west points of the island.
Visit The Furthest North South East And West Points Of The Island
fortnite visit the furthest north south east and west points of
For one of the week 2 season 8 challenges in fortnite battle royale you need to visit the furthest north south east and west points of the island.

Fortnite season 8 visit the furthest north south east west. Visit the furthest north south east and west points of the island exact location fortnite week 2 challenges season 8. This is where to visit the furthest north south east and west points of the island in fortnite for the season 8 week 2 challenge. Battle royale players to go to west point except not really.
Fortnite season 8 week 2 challenges and how to visit north south east and west locations sign in to comment be respectful keep it civil and stay on topic. I ts time for fortnite.
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